Friday, February 4, 2011

Economics impacts of cannons

Ancient cannons were mainly used in a warfare called siege. Siege is when an invading force surronds a city and waits until the city's inhabintants surrender due to lack of resources. Cannnons, were very effecive at this because the cannon's could destroy resource deposits, important buildings, walls, bridges, and anything else that might halt a siege. Because of sieges, many cities have fallen, and losing cities is how nations fall. When a nation falls, the conquering nation becomes stronger, and the conquered nation's allies weaken due to loss of trade, both imports and exports. Some examples are: Siege of Vicksburg, Siege of Leningrad, Siege of St. Petersburg, Siege of Yorktown, Siege of Boston, Siege of Vienna, and the Siege of Paris.

Also, building cannon's provided economic support for the producing country. In the United States during World War II, war resources, including cannons, were being mass produced for the Allied front. Citizen's were being paid money to donate and to recycle steel and other metals to produce things made of steel.

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